Monday, October 19, 2009

a long time coming...

A lot has definitely happened the last little while, but I have barely had time to breathe, let alone blog. So here is my super fast post about something that happened quite a while ago. And just a warning, this blog requires a bit of cooperation on your part. I expect you to participate!!!

I have this dear friend named Sarah. She is awesome! However, she is we don't really hang out. EVER. In fact, I am planning a bridal shower for her this weekend which is a lot of the reason I have been so busy lately. But I still love her dearly and consider her one of my best gals. One day, out of the blue, she called me with a proposition. She asked if I would like to accompany her and her family to a Diamondbacks game, because her sister was in a group that was singing the National Anthem and they had an extra ticket. I jumped at the chance...I mean, hanging out with Sarah is a rare treasure these days. So to the game we went. Our seats were great:We were upclose and personal to the action, which was nice.

The game, however, was not so great. The highlight of the game was definitely this:...the fireworks AFTER the game...

Because, as you will see below, not much happened during the game:Those are all zeros my friends...

But, you know me, I always find a way to entertain myself. I decided to do a little husband searching while at the game and the choices below are what I found:
An older gentleman, probably well off and settled into life...complete with horseshoe hair and ponytail.

The pornstache. Need I say more??

And this fine gentleman...

So, this is where your participation comes in. I would like your opinion. Who do YOU think is my perfect match?? Leave me a comment and let me know. I am curious...

And you can pretty much bet I just booked myself a ticket to hell for posting this. But I wouldn't be surprised if some guy took my picture at the game and did the same thing on his blog. It's all in good fun, right?? I really do love all of God's creatures...

Coming soon...the Branch Halloween party (can't post about it yet 'cause I can't reveal my costume when my co-workers haven't seen it yet), Sarah's bridal shower, MY Halloween party, and possibly some other things. Stay tuned.


Kevin said...

I vote for Pornstache. Not only for the awesome name, but because he looks the most normal. And these days that usually means he's the least normal...

Mrs. JM said...

totally a toss up. my honest opinion; if those three were the only men suitable then i think you should considering switching teams.

Amy Piller said...

Wow, that is a hard one and I am tempted to go with Emily's comment above but who wouldn't love a great ponytail,lol I will vote number 1

jessi said...

Defiantly the ponytail... When your kissing you could grab it, when he was walking away you could grab it and "lead" him where you wanted to go, or my favorite you could play hair salon and braid it, or pretend he has hair by combing it over his bald head. :)

Marianne and Matt said...

THat's a funny comment jess!! Why not the guy sitting next the guy with the I the ONLY one who can pick out a norman person?

Unknown said...

I'd say go with the oldest one.. probably the horse-shoe hair ponytail guy, he'll croak the first! Besides.. the other guy, the one without the pants, you'd really be more like babysitting him than anything.

Sarah said...

I think you should have included more about the last guy - like the fact that he was there with his "special" friends. That definitely adds to the decision making process :)

Dale&Tracy Wheeler said...

Looks to me like the last guy has his eye on YOU!