Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So thankful...

What a week! What a month! What a life! It's been crazy folks! And I am sure the craziness will continue. I will spare you the details {mostly because I don't have time to write about them}...

However, I just wanted to take a minute and express some gratitude for the many blessings that are mine:

First and foremost is the fam. They are amazing! Can't wait to get away from Mesa and head up to the cabin for a few days with them. Quality time away from the world with my cute little nephews...nothing could be better {unless, of course, a sexy, single man was involved}. And, I look forward to spending a few precious moments with the Utah kids next month too.

My friends are fantastic! I am thrilled to death to see my girls in Utah next month! I could not ask for a better bunch to associate with. They love me {no matter the size of my waistline} and I love them too!

And, of course, I have some fabulous friends in AZ. I couldn't have made it through some of these last months without them. They have no idea how much they have meant to me. Love them!

My Branch rocks! Seriously, this has been one of the biggest blessings in the last year or so. A true answer to prayer and exactly what I need in my life right now.

I can't mention the Branch without mentioning the church. Words cannot describe the happiness that comes from being a member of this church and by living the gospel. If you are not a member, you should look into it! All good stuff!

And then there are the little, simple blessings of everyday life like a car that now works, a job that I like most days, a house that is divine, the Backstreet Boys, etc.

I am a happy girl and for that I am thankful...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Amy Piller said...

I am thankful for you!!!! Can you play at my house on Dec. 11th Night? I was thinking since you are going to be here we should spend as much time playing as possible. I told everyone they could come over and play games that night and then we will all get together for lunch at Heather's the next day on Dec. 12th:)

Marianne and Matt said...

I am thankful for you too!! Can't wait to see you!!