Monday, May 3, 2010

wouldn't you know it?

After a lovely phone call with a good friend in another state, I ventured into my local Subway to get myself a sandwich. I try not to eat out very often, but today I had to because I haven't had time to grocery shop. Anyway, I looked over the menu and decided on something that I don't usually order, mostly because it was a better deal. When the cute little worker boy was making my sandwich, I thought the meat looked odd, but didn't dare say anything. I am sure you can see where this is going... But to make a long story short, I checked the meat when I got back to the office and it was pretty much questionable. I made a little phone call to the shop and then threw the sandwich away. Yep, I just ate a bag of chips for lunch. Wouldn't you know it? Luckily I ate a really big breakfast and wasn't that I think I will survive. But then again, it wouldn't hurt to miss a meal or two...

On another note, I recently developed a love for pigs. And when I say recently, I mean last night. Without explaining or divulging any information, I will just say that this:
really means a lot to me right now. Maybe later I will tell, but for now it is just my little secret.
And I know that I have been a lame blogger lately. I really have a lot I want to say, but really just lack the desire to do so. Hopefully I will get better. Check back later for some fun stuff...maybe.


Emily said...

intrigued. but i won't be nosy, and happy for you!