Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekly Wonderment

Would you rather...

be temporarily invisible
temporarily invincible?


Lindsey and Zach said...

I think, because it its only temporary...that I would choose invisible, I could have some fun with that! Invincible would be better if it was a long term basis. And that's my logic behind Alayna's Weekly Wonderment!

A Day Into Tomorrow said...

I think I would be invincible I mean you can do alot being invisible but you can do a TON more being invincible you could almost become a super hero for a short time.. sounds stupid but you could help alot!

Amy Piller said...

I would have to say invincible, I would like to do somethings that I fear and help out some people even if only for a short period of time:) I can't wait to see you!!!!

jessi said...

Talk about uneducated, I don't even know what the difference between the two are! I will have to look it up! (Obviously I know invisible, but what is the other one?!?)
Can't wait until Saturday!!!!

Kevin said...

I would choose temporary invincibility. Then I would book a flight to Australia & no matter how boring the flight was, I would enjoy it immensely because I know I couldn't die even if the plane crashed. Then I would enjoy The Land Down Under to my heart's content & pray that the temporary power didn't run out before the flight home.

Thanx, C.W. I rather enjoyed pondering that one. :)