Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weekly Wonderment

Would you rather...

have to watch, with your family and friends, a video of every time you have ever cursed
every time you have ever lied?


Katy Wilson said...

cursed...that's easy...

Mrs. JM said...

ha! a video of me cursing would first need to be plural. videos. never ending. so obviously, i go with lying. i've probably only lied a handful of times and they'd be funny moments to reminisce over.

Lindsey and Zach said...

cursed....who knows what i have lied about when I was young, and my family needs to be kept in the dark about that!

Amy Piller said...

I would have to say cursed even though it would be several videos, I don't know what would come up if it was when I lied although I would hope nothing much:)

jessi said...

cursed, hopefully I haven't done that too much!