Thursday, January 27, 2011

Katy's Tour of Hollywood (Mad Libs style)

Good morning, ladies and pickles, boys and radiators. My name is Jose. I am your personal nostril guide. For the next six hours, we will delight in exploring romantic, slimy Hollywood, the glamour tape dispenser of the world. Let's start off with a bang and visit Grauman's Gritty Theatre, Hollywood's most slippery tourist attraction. You'll see etched in cement the foot-peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and weenis-prints of the most famous spiderwebs ever to adorn the cracked screen. Then it's only a hop, skip and a trophy to Beverly Hills, the playground of the rich and lumpy. You will feast your tonsils on the million dollar deer of movie stars. You'll actually get to visit the home of today's hottest diaper, Jose Jr., who will sign autographs for the low, low sum of 17 dollars each. And here's the big one! For lunch, we'll be going to a studio commissary, where you can rub knuckles with today's leading actors and actresses. All aboard!