Tuesday, September 1, 2009

ace of cakes?

I am in love with Duff...the Charm City Cakes man. I am inspired by his work, I love watching his tv show and I also think he is pretty dang sexy! But before I met Duff, I have always had this desire to take a cake decorating class. For years I longed to go to my local Michaels store and sign up for a class. But the price of the class always scared me and I was just too lazy to do it. So a few years ago when I discovered the Ace of Cakes show it really ignited the passion again. I tried my hand at a few things, but this was the best I could do:


I lack artistic skill, I lack baking skills, I don't know how to make frosting, and I just basically don't get it. Both of my sisters-in-law have made FABULOUS cakes over the years and quite frankly, I am jealous. A couple of weeks ago I found out that my local Hobby Lobby store offers a cake decorating class...and the price seemed reasonable enough. So I signed up!


Every Tuesday in September I will be trying my hand at cake decoration. Who knows, maybe I will realize that this is not the thing for me...or maybe I will become a master decorator. Either way, I look forward to the experience. One day, I will make something amazing like this:

...but for now, we are taking baby steps. Wish me luck!


James and Jackie Stone said...

That is awesome! And funny because yesterday I was seaching for cake decorating classes and saw that Joann's and Micheal's did classes but it didn't say how much they were. So I was planning on going over there today to see how much. But is Hobby Lobby a lot better price? If it is maybe I'll be taking the same class as you :)

Curt said...

You did know that Duff is white, didn't you?

Emily said...

I have never heard of duff, but I think you are great to try it. Google "Marshmallow Fondant" my sister has tried it and says it is super easy! Good luck and let us see your amazing designs.

tiare said...

love ACE OF CAKES!!!!
you are too cool for signing up....i've always wanted to. you are a pioneer for me blazing a trail!!!

Amy Piller said...

I love ace of cakes too! Are you going to share all this cake you will be making?