Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's a pink chonie birthday!

Last weekend Daja and I threw a celebrate ourselves:

No, we are not really that conceited. It was a joint birthday party. We decided to decorate with all things pink, mostly because I am obsessed with the color, but also because of our little nickname: The Pink Chonies (don't ask). We had pink balloons and streamers; pink plates, cups and napkins; pink tablecloths; pink serving dishes; and, of course, pink cupcakes and cookies for dessert. The house looked amazing! We invited over a few close friends and just spent the evening enjoying each others' company, playing games, and jumpin' on the trampoline:

Nothing will ever compare to the birthday party last year, but it was still pretty fun. If I had to do it over, I probably would have done a few things different, like keeping the tradition alive of having a pinata. One tradition that will never die, however, is the photo op:


Lindsey and Zach said...

Oh Layns...I love ya so much and want to wish you the BEST Happy Birthday ever. You deserve everything you could ever want and more. I am so glad that PINK is still your favorite color, cause I think about you everytime I see something so "Precious Pink" and so "Flippety Flop". Can't wait to see you soon in your other home here in Utah, and celebrate your what will be by then your belated Birthday. Love ya tons, and again wish you so many Birthday wishes...

Amy Piller said...

I am glad you had a fun bday party. I can't wait to celebrate with you here. I really miss you lately! I hope your actual bday was a good one. Love you!