Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A few weeks ago (yes, I am behind in my blogging) I decided to put up my Christmas decorations. I was putting some lights up in my kitchen window, barefoot, when I just happened to step in a certain direction I shouldn't have. I heard a cracking under my foot and then noticed a sharp pain in a certain region. And this, my friends, is what I pulled out of my foot:
No, it is not a red tipped Christmas light...it is very much filled with my blood (sorry if you just threw up). So I hobbled to my kitchen sink and then crawled to my bedroom (to avoid blood droplets all over the house) to get a bandaid. Needless to say, it was a little tender to the touch and difficult to walk on for a few days. A word of advice: Don't put up Christmas lights while barefoot.

And now for something a little more appetizing. I have this friend who makes pies. For years (it seems) she has promised that she would make me a pie. Whenever she asks what kind of pie I would like I always respond with, "A man pie." Well, the other day I did something extremely generous for this friend, and she told me that it was time she pay me back with a pie. This is what I got:

It was a fantastic surprise and a very delicious one too! Thanks Daja! I loved every bit of it!


Lindsey and Zach said...

so is this a picture of someone significant? and by the way I did throw up and it was a mess and very noisy....

Kevin said...

I think it's cool that you even have glass ornaments to put on the tree. It seems like most people have boring plastic ones. But thanx for the bloodied shrapnel picture, that's a nice touch haha.

And I too must inquire about the man of said pie. And also about his workout routine. Dude is cut! ;)

Alayna said...

You kids are funny! If you must know, he is a boy in my branch. Yes, at one time I was intrigued by him...but not so much anymore. He is actually in the army, so his body is not far from the image shown...just covered in hair.

Thanks for making me laugh so hard! I love the comments from both of you!

A Day Into Tomorrow said...

I LOVE IT! I want a manpie! .. sorry about your foot, i love to read your blogs!

Cara said...

Oh Mr Python...............
FYI, I hope you don't mind that I showed him your blog....is that a problem?