Sunday, January 23, 2011


I may have taken a hiatus from blogging in December, but I was still having some really great times. This post is dedicated to the last 2 months and a few of my favorite moments.

I had the priviledge of seeing the lights at the Mesa Temple with my fellow Branch members:
saw some more lights at the Phoenix zoo:

hung out with lots of friends:

kissed some boys' windows:

possibly connected lips with other people and/or things:

and just had an overall great time.

Oh yeah, it also snowed at my house in Mesa, AZ...quite the exciting/unusual event (you have to look closely, but believe me, it's there):

And then I got sick.

Christmas came and went. I was still sick. But look how cute my tree looked this year:

Not many pictures were taken during Christmas (and believe me, they wouldn't have been pretty anyway), but I did really enjoy that day. I spent some time with the family and was spoiled by Santa, as usual. I got some hair bows, jewelry, calendars, gift cards, a huge book of Mad Libs, and a cupcake maker. I tried out the cupcake maker today and was quite disappointed. Case and point below. The cupcakes produced look more like thick pancakes. Very deceiving based on the pictures in the book. Oh well, perhaps it will be better suited for mini pies or something. But the most exciting gift I received was a sewing machine. I must admit, it kind of freaked me out at first. I don't know how to sew! But since then I have been kind of teaching myself and even got started making my first quilt. Below is a sneek preview:ExcitAlign Centering right?? Seriously, sewing is all I think about these days. It is an exhausting and expensive hobby, but I am loving every minute of it!

New Year's Eve came and I finally felt good enough to celebrate. It was a pretty eventful night and the new year looked so promising. And it has been. Not that it has been perfect...especially this last week, but it will be a year of big changes for me. I hate change, but sometimes it is necessary. I am sure I will delve more into this subject at a later time, but for now, I think it's best to keep it to myself.

Yay! I think I am not up-to-date on my blog! I would promise to be better, but you and I both know that is not going to happen. Hopefully I will be checking in again soon! Thanks for reading!


Amy Piller said...

Oh how I miss you! Lets chat soon!

jessi said...

I'm sorry you were sick over Christmas! That stinks! But I'm glad you had fun.
Sewing is fun huh! though it overwhelms me, so I make my mom do a lot of my stuff but I pick out the fabrics!
Love you!

Lindsey and Zach said...

Yeah I have been doing some sewing lately myself, wish I had more time to get better and more patience!! Good luck with the new endeavors. Love ya!