Friday, April 8, 2011

one year

One year ago, today, I was here:

{isn't it a dream?!}

It was a BIG day for me. A special day. The first day of the rest of my life. I can't believe it was one year seems like just yesterday. But looking back, I can see how much the Lord has blessed me this last year. So many tender mercies have been extended in my behalf.

I am a lucky girl.

I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know the church is true with ever fiber of my being. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants nothing more than my happiness. I know that I have a Savior who sacrificed His own life so that I could be forgiven of my sins, thus becoming perfected and able to live in the presence of my Father in Heaven again. I also know that the Savior was resurrected and that He lives. And because of this, we can be too. I know that there is a prophet on the earth today, the mouthpiece of God, who directs us in all of our endeavors. I know that if we listen to his counsel, we will NEVER be led astray. I am grateful for the Bible and for the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ. These books contain the words of God and will give us purpose and direction in our lives. I know that as long as I do the best that I can, my Savior will make up for the rest...and that is all I need to know. This is my testimony.

Of course, life is not without it's hard times. But I truly believe that the temple has been a great source of strength and refuge for me. So many times I have gone there just to feel peace and to try to find answers to questions I may have. It is a wonderful place to be. And you better believe that I am going there celebrate! Happy one year anniversary to me!!!

The best decision I ever made.

If you would like to know more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, click here.


jessi said...

Thanks for sharing your testimony. I love you!

Lindsey and Zach said...

Very well said Layns....I love you so much and miss you already, your visit was much too short once again! I am so grateful to have you as one of my dearest friends and I know that has been a blessing in my life!

Marianne and Matt said...

I am so sad to miss you this time:( but so glad that I was there when you went through the temple. I love you to pieces.