Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I am the world's worst blogger, I know. It's not that my life is boring and I have nothing to blog about...so many things are blog worthy...I just lack desire, and I am also too lazy to download my pictures. Since I hate blogging without pictures, my blog lacks posts. But thanks to my most recent splurge (an iPhone) I can post a few pics and give you a little appetizer of things to come.Why I waited so long to make this purchase, I will never know. It is a DREAM!!! I will never be able to live without a smart phone again...

So what have I been doing the last few weeks? For starters, I got to hang out with my boyfriends Hayward and Howard. These are my two FAVORITE sales reps (don't tell the others) from California and Texas. They were in town for a convention so a date was definitely in order. We went to a gross Mexican restaurant, but the company and conversation made it all worth it. Minus the freaky eyes, I think we look pretty cute together:

When I am not hanging out with my boyfriends, I am hanging out with these cuties:{Daja Noel and Cara Fun Princess Sparkle Kleiner Lorsch Montes Holbrook Stradling}

We have lots of fun together. But, like I said earlier, this is just an appetizer. More to come on our adventures later...

I have a new addiction:{Dr. Pepper}
It makes my heart smile. And probably rots my teeth. But it's yummy. Most days...

And who could forget the day I woke up to go to work and found this:
Yeah, that thing hanging down from my garage...it's supposed to be attached to the track on the ceiling. It posed quite a problem. Meaning, I was locked in my garage. No way to open the garage. No way to drive anywhere in my car. No way to get to work. It caused for a stressful, tear shedding morning. But luckily, a couple of hours later, I was rescued by the garage fixing folk...and $281 poorer. Boo. Sometimes it really sucks being a responsible adult and a home owner...

I got to hang out with these adorable boys on Sunday for the annual family Easter dinner and Easter egg hunt. Love those kids!

And finally, just for fun, I will post pictures of my girl Cara Fun sporting the owl apron I made for her birthday. My first completed sewing project:
I am quite pleased with the way it turned out, as long as you don't look too closely. It was frustrating, but worth it. And it looks really cute on her! She wore it the whole night while we celebrated her day of birth at IHOP.

And yes, that is an entire pitcher of Dr. Pepper that she is drinking. LOVE THAT GIRL!

{more to come}


Katy Wilson said...

I too love my iphone. but sometimes I get so frustrated at myself cause I find myself looking at it when I'm bored and getting mad at it for not entertaining me well enough.

weird I know...

jessi said...

I have had an iphone for 2 years- it seriously is the best invention ever made! I love all the apps, it helped me loose weight, read scriptures, entertainment, email, songs, what else could you need?!? LOVE IT and I love you love it!
ps I love you love dr pepper. It is my dream drink- though I have to switch to Diet Dr. Pepper- still good but not as great as the original!

Amy Piller said...

Can't wait to hear more!! did you ever decide on an adventure?