Tuesday, September 27, 2011

oh, ya know...

I have been a little out of the blogging world lately. It's not that I don't have a good life or don't have made up stories I could tell you. It just seems like everyone is anti-blogging these days. Like blogging has worn out it's welcome. Either that or people just are too busy with life. But, for those of you who like blog stalking me and reading about my nonsense, I will indulge you.

My life these days consists of working, fulfilling my church callings, playing with friends, and watching football...but not necessarily in that order (sadly, sometimes friends take a back seat to football).


I'm not gonna lie, work has been pretty boring lately. On Mondays I'm busy for a few hours and then the rest of the week I have to find ways to entertain myself. I recently discovered Pinterest and have planned out every single one of my Christmas gifts for this year because of it. It's gonna be a cheap Christmas folks! Haha. When I am not playing on Facebook or looking at crafty things on Pinterest, I can usually be found taking strange pictures of myself, that I then forward on to my friends. This was one of my favorites:


For the last few months I have had the calling of Relief Society Activities Leader. I get to plan monthly activities for the women in my church. It's a lot of fun and right up my alley since I love planning parties and doing crafty things. However, this last week I got a new calling. But before I divulge, let me share with you a little fun tidbit. The other week for Family Home Evening we had a talent show, but not like a singing and dancing type of talent show...the strange and unusual type of talent show. A guy did a beat box rendition of Book of Mormon Stories, one girl could replicate the sound a fire alarm makes, etc. And then this guy got up (he is not in my Branch so I am not sure how he got involved) and he has a talent of balancing things on his chin. Like so:

Yes, that is a ladder and a wheel barrel. He balanced a bike, a table, an ironing board and even a kitchen sink! It was amazing! But my question is this. How do people discover that they have this talent?? I honestly haven't tried balancing anything on my chin, but I think I'm going to try it when I get home. I am hoping that I have a super strange talent just waiting to be uncovered. And when I find it, I will let you know!

Now, onto my new calling. Are you ready? It's a good one! I just got called to be the First Counselor in the Relief Society Presidency (a women's organization in our church). Yikes, right?! I am still in shock. When I first got the call I was super excited. However, it didn't take long for reality to sink it. It's a big responsibility, but definitely one that I need right now. In all honesty, I feel this is a huge answer to prayer. I have been so consumed in self-pity and stuck in this silly "transitional" rut. This is the Lord's way of showing me that I need to think about others and get over myself. That I need to live in the present and stop preparing for something that is quite a ways off. I am excited and humbled.


I have good friends. I am lucky. For a while there, while going through my transitions phase, I kind of pushed friends away. But the last few weeks I have been eating up the moments I get to play with my girls and/or boys. Mostly girls. Just to state the obvious. And since I am so poor, the friends and I don't really do anything. We just hang out and talk about boys (usually a bitter subject), or watch tv and movies. When my roomie moved out I cancelled my cable, and I can't even tell you how much life sucks when you can't see what's going on in the world! But I am grateful for my pal Daja, because just when I was about to shoot myself from boredom, she gave me her "Vampire Diaries: Season One" collection. And I fell in love. I finished seasons one and two, and now we have weekly dates to watch the latest episodes on tv together. In all honesty, I don't really love the show. But when you get to look at things like this:it makes it all worthwhile. And I know vampires aren't real, but if I was approached by a vampire that looked like the men above, I would totally let them bite me.


Mmmm mmmm goooood!!!!! I have always been a huge football fan, but for some reason this year I am obsessed! I downloaded the ESPN app on my phone and have even resorted to checking football scores DURING church! Ahhh!!! I don't know why, but I think about football a lot these days. I happened to be watching a BYU game a few weeks ago when I noticed that my Cougars were playing my Alma Mater Utah State Aggies on September 30th. I immediately called my mother and begged her to go to the game with me. She wouldn't. I realized that the game happened to be the same weekend as our church's General Conference. I had a friend express interest in going up to Utah to go to a missionary reunion and possibly to see Conference too. I jumped on the opportunity. Not to be a good girl and go to Conference, but to see a football game. Yes, I am obsessed. To make a long story short, I am flying up to Utah in 2 days...to go to the football game. And here's the proof:I am thrilled! And throw in the fact that I am going up with two fun girls and get to see my UT friends and family, life just can't get better!

And finally, I think you deserve to know that I am no longer a blonde. I took the plunge and allowed my friend to put "permanent" color in my hair. Ahh!!! Every time I have colored my hair I will only allow the temporary color so that it will wash out in a few weeks. Well, the last time I did that I swear the color only lasted 2 weeks...and it pissed me off. Not this time! My hair is gonna be brown for a while. But you know what, I love it! And that's really all that matters.
{Now my eyebrows match}


Cara said...

I honestly didn't recognize you for a second. Me likey!!!

Oh and VD is the best thing that has ever graced TV. I am making Justin watch season one right now!

Lindsey and Zach said...

Love the new color and can't wait to see you in a few days.

jessi said...

Love the color! so cute. Congrats on your calling!

Amy Piller said...

Football here we come, I just got a babysitter so we can go and scream our heads off!!! love your hair by the way!!!