Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the pinata post

I finally got around to downloading the pictures off of my camera. So really quickly, I will just show you some sundry delights of some exciting events over the last month or so. First of all there was V-Day. I hung out with my pal Sarah and we rocked Guitar Hero for a few hours. We vowed to only play "love" songs and I even tried my hand at the medium level. I pretty much suck, but we won't get into that. After our Guitar Hero finale we headed west to a YSA V-Day dance. Let me preface this by saying that I LOATHE dances! Never loved going to them as a youngin' and not sure if that will ever change. The reason I hate dances...boys don't ask fatties to I hang out by myself. Enough said. However, this dance was different. No, I didn't get asked to dance, but for some reason I just had a lot of fun. After the dance I went back to Sarah's house for a minute to enjoy a V-Day treat. This is what I purchased at the store:

I am fully aware that it says "Super Mom" on it...but my choices were slim. I liked the pink Superman sign, so I got it. And just in case you are wondering, it did not taste super.

The next Monday at work we got a visit from some Nascar friends. I am not really a fan of Nascar, so this didn't really appeal to me. But it was pretty cool nonetheless. Besides, they gave us free lunch...

The set up and the car...driven by Matt Kenseth (who actually won two races in a row recently)

And finally, here is the long awaited pinata post. I don't get compliments on many facets of my body, but more recently I have gotten many compliments about one particular region of my face...and that is my lips. I think my lips are pretty decent. I also like to get kisses on said lips, but that hasn't happened for a while. In my previous paragraph about the V-Day dance there was a kissing booth set up there. I was so close to just standing in the booth, puckering up and waiting for the blessed event to happen, but for some reason I didn't do it. Sarah and I have been hanging out with this fun group of peeps for a while now and somehow the kissing booth comes up everytime we get together (mostly by me and my flirtations). So when there was a post V-Day sale at WalMart and we saw "lips" pinatas...we couldn't resist. Recently our pal Kara celebrated a birthday. We thought it would be fun to surprise her with the previously mentioned pinata. It was quite the entertaining event. Here are some pics:

The pinata in all it's glory

Jessica and Kara not having much luck

Kenny definitely can't hit anything except the basketball hoop (which shortened our swinging stick a little)

That's it...the blindfold clearly is not working and has to come off!

Yes, the pinata breaks...and everyone stands around and makes no attempt whatsoever to run for the candy (except for Danny)

The aftermath


Kara opens the much anticipated "singing dog" present, and kicks everyone's trash in a never-ending game of Nerts. It was a good time.

By the way, I have a girl coming to see my place tomorrow. Wish me luck! And also wish me health because I seem to have come down with the flu...and I leave in a few days on my cruise. I REFUSE to be sick on vacation!!!!


Kevin said...

Ah, I see you must have gotten the Angelina Jolie version of the pinata.

jessi said...

Fun fun fun! I love the lips! Good luck with the roomie thing! love you

Amy Piller said...

Looks like you have been haveing alot of fun lately. Good luck with the roomie and have so much fun on your trip, wish i was going with!

Lindsey and Zach said...

OH LAYNS...I finally posted something for you. I am so sorry I have not been here for you on your blog, supporting the craziness in your life. I have kept you in my thoughts and prayers though. Check out my music I have added a song for you on my playlist, a wonderful memory. You deserve the cruise and hope you have a blast. Love ya much, miss ya too.