Saturday, February 28, 2009

I don't get it!

Can someone please explain to me why it is so hard to change the background on my blog?? I know it must be pretty easy...but last time my cutest sis-in-law did it for me. I tried doing it on my own cause I was getting sick of the old one, but now it just looks trashy. One day...

Once again, this week has been insane with little or no time allotted for blogging/blog stalking. {It's a sad story} Work basically sucked rocks this week as we upgraded to a new computer system. LAME! I was pretty much a whiner all week cause change and I don't really get along well. To make matters even worse, one of my biggest job responsibilities is to process the EDI orders (don't ask for an explanation of what that means). To make a long story short, that part of the new computer system is not quite functioning one week of piled up orders equals about 3 days of non-stop work trying to get caught up. Next week should be lovely...In the words of one of my favorite Space Ghosts songs, "sounds like somebody needs an attitude adjustment!"

By the way, you all failed miserably in my last quote challenge. Did no one catch the first question I asked about the song title/blog title? That was worth six points...and no one got it right or even attempted to guess. {Sad} Don't you ever listen to the Bee Gees? That song rocks!
And now, to the highlight of my week: I went to the gym every morning this last week at 5am! That is commitment folks! Sarah and I are gym-going rock stars!!! Here's to hoping next week is equally successful...

One last thing: I recently noted my new favorite party game called Boxers or Briefs. According to the knowledgeable man at the game store in the mall, that game has been discontinued. AHHH!!! Anyone know where I can find this lovely gem? Most sites like Amazon and Ebay are selling it for $200. Yikes! If anyone out there owns this game and wants to donate it to a good cause, just let me know! It will be played often and treated with LOTS of love!

Stay tuned next week for the "Alayna's best feature pinata" post. I know you are all dying to see what I am talking about...


Marianne and Matt said...

I like the background. In fact when I was looking for my background I remember seeing this one and thinking....ALAYNA!! Props to you for going to the gym everyday, that is dedication!

Kevin said...

I haven't changed my backgrounds ever. So, I dunno how it's done or why it wouldn't be easy or hard. Are you still struggling with it?

And, yes, I do admit I am quite curious to know what next week's blog is all about...

Amy Piller said...

Way to go Alayana!!! I hate getting up in the morning to go to the gym so you are better them me!