Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a li'l obsessed

Yes, it's a cheesy, lovesick, chick flick...but I LOVE IT!!! I wanted to see the movie SO bad when it first came out, but my pal heard that there were some questionable scenes and would not see it with me. So I quickly forgot about it. Then about 2 weeks ago my other pal told me that I was missing out on the greatest movie and invited me over to watch it last week. After watching the movie, I was giddy. Ryan Reynolds is a babe! But the eye candy was not the only reason for my love...the movie is actually quite funny! So I thought about the movie all week long and wanted to watch it again. I finally broke down and decided to use my gift card I got for Christmas to buy the movie...and I have watched it two more times! Yep, I'm a li'l obsessed. I find myself rewinding certain scenes 3 or 4 times because I catch something different each time that cracks me up. I love the facial expressions, the body language, the jokes someone else may not get...I just love it all! So...I would recommend watching this...if you are a girl. And if you hate it...you are CRAZY! Now if there were only a sexy, single male in my office that I could blackmail to marry me...


jessi said...

I loved it too! Though we do have clearplay and it edits out the naughty parts :)

Stephanie said...

I LOVE that movie! Ryan Reynolds is a STUD!!!! I laughed so hard during it!

Kevin said...

Didn't hate it, but I was rooting for the blonde. I just didn't believe the attraction between Ryan & Sandra.

So, one of the parts you rewind a lot is Oscar's striptease isn't it?

Amy Piller said...

I love that movie, Grant actually liked it to because it was so funny! We got it for Grant's mom for Christmas and I wish we would have got one for use too!

Mrs. JM said...

oh i do love it too ... and i am very very thankful for the questionable scene. have you seen definitely maybe? great too ... love ryan reynolds. mmmmm mmmmm. and jake moore (guilt).

Unknown said...

Haven't seen it...

Megane said...

i thought it was a great movie too, watched it by myself (VOD) during the day while kids and hubby were at school and work and laughed out loud at it!

Lindsey and Zach said...

Ok I will see it, me and Zach debated on renting it, but now that we have your approval we will go get it tonight.

The Stimpsons said...

Oh, no your poor tree! Well that tree could look really cool in your living room so just drag it in and place it in a corner for awhile. Fake trees are so expensive and look fake so take advantage of this great blessign! ;-)