Tuesday, January 5, 2010

so far so good

Hello blogger friends! And Happy New Year! I hope this new year has been as good to you as it has been to me. So far so good! But before I get into the joyfulness of these first 5 days of 2010, I would like to take a step back a couple of weeks to the exciting events we just participated in.

Christmas: My Christmas was phenomenal! I slept at the parentals' place and we had a fun time opening our gifts with each other on Christmas morning. Here is my loot:

I took some close-ups of some of the precious gems I received, including, but not limited to a new digital camera, a Snuggie, and the world's cutest watch with interchangeable bands! The digital camera was a welcomed surprise. I did not ask for it, but apparently my mother reads my blog and knows that my other camera has not been doing well lately. The Snuggie was also something I didn't ask for, or something I definitely did not see coming...but it was welcomed nonetheless. Funny story...at work we don't believe in using heaters, so all of us wear jackets and thermal underwear to keep warm (even when it is 110 degrees outside). I have a blanket I keep in the back of my car for those days when I just can't seem to warm up. Lately a lot of my male co-workers will walk by my office and see me wrapped up in my blanket then will proceed to make fun of me for wearing a Snuggie. It has become quite the joke. So now the joke will be on them because I will really be wearing a Snuggie...and they will be jealous...I just know it! And then, the watches are freaking adorable! My cute cousin-in-law makes them and I have had my eye on one for a while. I picked a few I like and was pleased with how they turned out.

The rest of Christmas day was spent with the fam. The traditional breakfast burritos were devoured, we watched a movie and lots of games were played. Good times!
Then, of course, it was time to bring in the New Year, and I can't think of a better way to do that than with friends. My friend Daja invited us over to her house for some games, food and party-time fun. We all got awesome hats and necklaces to wear, we were given noise makers shortly before midnight, and then the sparkling cider came out. It was a fun time...even if there were only girls around at midnight. Here are some highlights from the night:

And now it is 2010...and I am loving this year! I know it has only been 5 days, but they have been a good 5 days. My goals are moving along great. Who would have thought the goal I included just as a joke (and honestly never anticipated) would be the first to come true?! I don't really feel this is the appropriate place to talk about this and the details...but let's just say that I know he doesn't even know this blog exists, we are not Facebook friends and he is just someone I have seen on occasion...so I am pretty sure it's not just a pity date inspired by reading my blog. And I am also happy to report that I am already down 8 lbs! Go me! I think the only goal that has not been attempted yet is the scrapbooking one. But now that I have a new digital camera and enjoy taking more pictures, I won't have an excuse. Goals written down and read daily eventually come to fruition...I believe. I'll keep you posted on the rest of my progress...

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, an exciting New Year and that things are looking up for you...


Emily said...

I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! CONGratULatIONS! Have fun on your secret date, um I mean good luck in fulfilling your goal! Love ya. GO YOU!

Amy Piller said...

Congrats!!!!! I hope the rest of the year is as good as the first 5 days!

jessi said...

yeah!! Go you!!

Emily Stradling said...

Who was this guy that asked you on a date? And where am I? Oh, yes I hadn't entered your life yet...