Tuesday, November 17, 2009

a season of change

Ya know, sometimes I really miss seasons. Here in Arizona it is either freaking hot or warm. There is no in between. And there is definitely no fall or winter. I miss seeing the changing leaves. I miss an occasional snowstorm (emphasis on occasional). Yep, I miss the seasons.

But just because the seasons don't change does not mean that change is not in the air. Change is very much in the air...in my air.

First and foremost is my change of church calling. I just got called to be on the activities committee, with an emphasis on the bulletin board (hello, right up my alley...it's like a giant scrapbook page!), missionary board and running the website (I don't have a clue how to do that). I also got called to be a Relief Society teacher (yikes!). I must admit, though, that I am very excited about this change. Maybe not as excited as I was when I was called to be the Enrichment leader, but just about there! Our small little singles Branch has changed a lot in the last couple of months, and I LOVE the changes! Family Home Evening activities are much better, communication is much better, everything is just great. I LOVE my Branch!

Speaking of the Branch, that relates to another change I am going through. As most of you know, my BFF in AZ is named Sarah and she just got married last week (pics coming soon). For quite a while Sarah and I were inseparable. We did everything together and we planned lots of fun parties and social gatherings. My life was social, and I loved it. Then Sarah met a boy and practically fell off the planet. It was not that I was lonely, but I just wasn't putting myself out there to others. I didn't feel like I was without friends, but I just felt like I was without close friends...no one I would feel comfortable calling on a Friday night begging to hang out with me. Well, within the last month or two I have formed quite a gathering of good friends, and for that I am eternally grateful. Maybe I won't be sitting down and telling these people my deepest, darkest secrets...but I feel comfortable asking them to hang out with me if I want to. I love my Wednesday night parties to watch SYTYCD and Glee. I love game nights. And, I love that my new friends can convince me to go to the midnight showing of New Moon this Thursday...especially since I didn't love the first Twilight movie and I have to work on Friday. Friends are great!!!

Don't get me wrong, I love old friends too. And that is why I am so happy to announce that I am visiting Utah in December! I get to see my girls and experience a wee bit of white before Christmas. I cannot wait!!! I am lucky to have some of the best friends in the world! And what makes me even happier is that they throw parties every time I am in town! Woohoo for friends!

Anyway, I just wanted to share a few of my thoughts with you. The only thing that is constant is change, and I am actually happy to accept these new changes.


Amy Piller said...

I am so excited for you to come, you should call me so we can figure out some stuff for while you are here:)

tiare said...

what fun callings for you!!! you'll be such a great teacher.
let's have lunch with all of the granite girls in DEC. i'll be in town too!

jessi said...

yeah! I am excited to see you! When do you make it back to good old SLC?

Marianne and Matt said...

Looks like good change!! I can't wait to see you and soooo soon!!