Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Well, the dad is doing well. He stayed in the hospital for one night and that was enough. Many tests were run and all came back normal. Probably just overexerted himself and got a little stressed with the whole work thing on Monday (aka laying off the majority of workers in AZ). I decided to be a good daughter and go visit my parentals in the hospital on my lunch break yesterday (and to deliver lunch to my mother). The minute I got up the elevator to the floor they were staying on my mother called to tell me that they were being discharged. Figures. So we ate lunch and then walked out of the hospital all together. I am glad he is doing ok and I hope he continues to do ok. Thanks again for all of your well wishes. If you could continue to keep him in your prayers that would be great. And while you are praying for him, throw in the name Nikki from the UK as well. I just got some sad news about her (she is a friend of my friend in the UK). She is battling breast cancer, has 2 small children (one is special needs) and her husband decided he could not handle the situation so got out of it. She could definitely use a little Divine help for sure! Thanks blogging friends! Have a great week and I will be posting my Halloween pics soon...


Amy Piller said...

Glad to here little old Rich is doing well.