Friday, February 5, 2010


I'm not gonna lie, Monday was a pretty rough day for me (actually the whole last week has been a little difficult). I thought I was doing pretty good at not allowing negativity to enter into my life, but then IT just blew me over...which resulted in me being pretty cranky. However, I am now over it and all is well. I changed my attitude and things have been improving. So just for fun, I have compiled a list of things that have made me smile this week and have directly correlated to my change of attitude. I hope they make you smile too!

* There is a little something going around on Facebook that says to go to the website listed and type in your name to get a description of the type of person you are. I believe my description is pretty comical:

A girl who is known for jumping elderly men in the night time dressed as Pocahontas. This person is liked by the elderly men and so she abuses her power over them with her random attacks.

Jade: My grandpa was attacked yesterday, late at night.

Juliet: How terrible!

Gretchin: Must have been Alayna!

I thought it was pretty funny. Most of the other definitions were perverted and had to do with naughty things, so I didn't post them. I have no idea how people come up with this stuff! And just for the record, I love the elderly.

*"In My Head" by Jason DeRulo. Yes, the song is a little bit naughty, but the music, the beat, the singer's voice, etc are phenomenal. Listening to it makes me giddy and motivates me to push a little harder when I work out at the gym.

*Speaking of naughty, I was driving down the freeway the other day and I saw this large yellow paper attached to the back of a semi:

I immediately laughed out loud and then grabbed the cell phone to take a pic. The sign says "Boobies make me smile." Those particular things don't make ME smile, but I still giggled. I wonder if the driver had any idea that a big yellow note was posted to his truck...

*Michael Bublé. I LOVE him. I am obsessed with him this week. He is amazing. And his new CD melts my heart.

*I got to visit my co-worker and her brand new baby boy. He is to-die-for adorable and it was so fun to hold him. I am so excited for my friend and her new little adventure.

*#10 x 2. Who would have thought?! This one was 20 times better than the last one. Such a gentleman and actually funny. The laughter I expelled was real and not just a courtesy. Good times.

*The FedEx delivery boy. Mmm Mmm good! As I mentioned on Facebook, he keeps delivering packages to us in the front office that should really be delivered to our warehouse receiving department in the back. But I can't tell him because I would much rather see his beautiful face each day and walk to packages back to the receiving department myself. He is that yummy...

*Friends. I have great ones both here in AZ and in UT. Just knowing that is enough to get me through the hard times!

So, life is good. All is well. I am smiling. And hopefully this has made you smile too!


Lindsey and Zach said...

Now that is the way to see life. Whats great, is that there are so many things out there to keep us laughin and ehjoin life and I think we tend to not see them sometimes cause we are feelin to sorry for ourselves. You made me just realize that, thanks Layns.

Amy Piller said...

I so love you and all the good things you find in life! I loved talking to you and was sad I had to cut it short to get ready. I will call you soon. Love you!