Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Ok, so I will NEVER watch the Biggest Loser again! Who gets rid of the sexy tongan man and thinks that is ok?? SERIOUSLY! My dear, sweet, fellow Arizonan Sione got kicked off and I think that both Ron and Laura need to die.

I know the picture isn't that big...but who doesn't think this man is beautiful? I want him...or atleast his brother (since he is married)...if he has one. Ok, so I will still probably watch the show because it {kind of} inspires me. Besides, now I have to cheer for Filipe and hope for the catastrophic fall of Ron.

Speaking of sexy brown boys, the other day I was driving through the 'hood, going to work and I saw this beautiful brown (ok, so he was black) man getting something out of his car. He was wearing a wife beater and pajama pants, but I immediately knew he was the one for me. Mmm mmm good! I wished I had known that he existed earlier, but still was excited for the hope of what a good looking neighbor could bring.

So last night, about 10:30 I decided to take a little walk to the mailbox. I don't really love walking by myself at night, especially since I am a girl and the mailbox is not that close. But I did it, nonetheless, because I had some things that needed to go out and I knew I would forget in the morning. Well, the way to the mailbox just happens to be next to this man's residence. I honestly didn't think anything of my little walk...until I was on my way back to my house from the mailbox. I saw this heavenly being once again putting out his recycle bin. He clearly saw me walking in the dark, and spent way more time than is necessary lining up his recycle bin just so against the curb. Then he walked toward the middle of the road, all the while looking in my direction. I thought to myself, "either this man is waiting to kill me, or he knows that I am the one and wants to talk to me." Sadly, another stranger happened to be walking by at the same time (going the opposite direction) and that scared my man away. Right before I got to him, he walked into his garage and shut the door. Honestly, I don't know how to interpret that.

Do you think he really wanted to kill me?


Natalie said...

ron is evil!

Kevin said...

I think he wanted to kill you with kindness.

jessi said...

Maybe he thinks your super sexy and has been watching you from a distance..... UUUHHHH laaa laaaa

Amy Piller said...

I love the biggest loser! Wish it inspired me as much as you. You need to get to know your neighbor for sure!

Katy Wilson said...

i think he wanted to brown chicken brown cow with you...probably...i'm jealous...

wendyberd said...

let's hear it for the biggest loser!!!!
i love that show! and yes - i think it is very unfair what happened - especially because getting the golden ticket was such a chanced thing.

Marianne and Matt said...

Just take him cookies...find out if he's a killer, it's good conversation starter:)