Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common childhood illness...
I am 28...
...and I am pretty sure I have the disease

It all started last Friday (right in the midst of my weekend wonderment) when I felt as if I had a slight sore throat. Saturday, around the time we got to Tommy's house and after playing the Walmart game, my feet started itching like crazy. It felt as if I had been attacked by a million little insects who took a lunch break on my feet. It was in between my toes mostly. Strange. Then Sunday I noticed I had a couple of canker sores in my mouth...but nothing too painful. I also had itchy spots on my hands (I think I noticed those on Saturday too). It wasn't until I was at work on Monday with a very sore mouth full of canker sores that I wondered if my itchy feet, hands and pained mouth were related. I got on my favorite medical website,, and put in my symptoms. When I read about HFMD I knew that had to be it. I am convinced that I have diagnosed myself.
My mom thinks that my nephew Jake had canker sores in his mouth last week. My friend at work said her nephew was recently diagnosed. And now, today, my other co-worker says his daughter has it. It's going around. And I am one of the lucky, non-child aged folks who has picked it up...
There is no treatment. I just have to let nature run its course. Granted, it is not bad at all. My mouth is just bothering me now. In a few days I will be good as new.
{lucky me}


Amy Piller said...

That does not sound fun! hope you are better soon!

Lindsey and Zach said...

OH poor Layns after missing blogging for so long I guess I caught you at a bad moment. Just don't pass it through the computer!

Lindsey and Zach said...

Man I just had to catch up on all that I have missed....I am glad you got your roomate finally and can't wait to here about more dating stories love ya Layns.

jessi said...

I'm sorry! Hunter had that when he was 9 months old, and it was so sad! It was over my first mothers day- so needless to say it was terrible! The doctor prescribed him loritab... it helped him, and also made him crawling crooked, It was sooo funny! The highlight of my very crappy Mothers day
I hope you feel better!!!

Katy Wilson said...

yikes...and yuck...hopefully you are all over it by the time we go to HAWAII!!!
just kidding...but i really am going to go...i am making myself a 'saving my money for hawaii' jar too!!

Sarah Harward said...

Ow...good luck!! And be careful, from what I hear it's HIGHLY contagious!!