Monday, July 13, 2009

last night i cried...

but don't worry...they were happy tears! i just cried because i am a girl, and girls are weird. and sometimes my emotions just come out of my eyeballs. but to put it plainly, i am blessed!

a week ago today i flew home from utah after my grandpa's funeral. it was a beautiful day and a beautiful experience. however, on my way home from the airport i noticed that my car was shaking a bit...which isn't unusual these has been acting up for a while. i didn't think anything of it. the next day driving home from work it sounded as if a helicopter were flying right above my car and the car was shaking ferociously. but because i am a girl and don't know anything about cars i continued driving. the very next day, wednesday, my parents flew home from utah. they got in around 3pm and i was driving home from work (around 5pm) when the same thing happened to me again. the car was shaking and that helicopter sound appeared again. this time i decided it would be best to pull over to the side of the freeway (in 113 degree heat). as i was slowing down and pulling over i could feel my car driving weird and i knew i had a flat tire. i called my daddy, who came to my rescue, and helped me (who am i kidding...i didn't help him...i just watched) change the flat tire...that was actually a shredded, blown out tire. i have heard horror stories of blow outs on the freeway. i know the catastrophe that could have been. a miracle! i know someone up there was watching over me! and more importantly, nothing happened until wednesday, the only day in the last 3 weeks that my dad has even been home and could have helped me. i am so blessed! needless to say, i said some extra thankful prayers that night...and, of course, cried a little.

fast forward to the weekend. i had an awesome weekend! i got invited to two parties, i got to go swimming twice (to eliminate some of the blistering heat that is the arizona summertime), and i got to talk to my best boy "friend" and was reassured that he is alive and well, and not being shipped off to his foreign country without my knowledge. i love weekends like that! but most importantly i got a new roomie this weekend...and she is the best! ok, so it has only been two days since she moved in, but i can tell she is going to be great. my last roomie was a heaven send and i did not think i would ever find someone as great as her, but i think i may have done it this time too! she is really nice, easy going and we get along really well. but what is even better is that she is skinny as can be and eats next to nothing. my alayna brain i feel guilty if i eat bad things or an excess of food. can you say, "weight loss motivation?" oh, she also has a membership to my gym so we are going to motivate each other and take some classes together! and she wakes up at 5am for work, so we have worked something out that if i am not awake and going to the gym at 5am that she will wake me up and torment me. not really, but i am making myself believe that she will haunt me if i don't go to the gym in the morning so i get motivated to wake up and actually go. it worked this morning...

isn't it amazing that the minute you decide to take that leap of faith, to change your life and your priorities, that everything falls into place?

{i am blessed}


jessi said...

I am so glad things are going well for you! You are an amazing person, and I love you!!

Amy Piller said...

I am so excited for you!!! SOrry about the tire but glad you had your dad to come to the rescue!

Katy Wilson said... can definatly come over this Saturday. I don't have anythign planned. Ashlie works from 4:30-9:30, and I'm not sure what her plans are, but I'll be there.

Marianne and Matt said...

WOW, that is a blessing!! Also, about the man jumping out of the cake.....only you Alayna,just another one of the many reasons I love you so!!

Curt said...

Good thing dad was there because your retarded brother wouldn't have helped (especially if you were all the way in Florence) ha ha