Wednesday, July 1, 2009

another matter of importance

You will just have to wait to see my most exciting post from our beach bash because something else has come up that takes precedence. I received the sad news that my grandfather passed away this morning. It was somewhat expected, but mostly a shock. He has been battling lymphoma for a couple of years, but appeared to be in good health and kicking the cancer. At this time we are not sure if his death is cancer related. Regardless, he will be missed tremendously. I love you grandpa and am so glad I got to see you one month ago at Kensie's baptism. I miss you already.
So...I am flying to Utah tomorrow after work and will be there until Monday night. The funeral is scheduled for Monday at this time. Keep my grandma, mom and family in your prayers will ya?


tiare said...

i am so sorry for you loss.
you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Marianne and Matt said...

I'm so sorry Alayna, it stinks to loose wonderful grandparents!! We will keep you in our prayers.

On a happier note...your party looked like so much fun! Wow, you really do go all out for your parties. It kind of made me think of our Chineese dinner that you again went ALL OUT for. Your the best. Next time you want a beach party, just come visit me and we will have a REAL one on the actual beach...not a tarp!!:)