Friday, October 9, 2009


My Dad is a Rockstar!!!!
Surgery was yesterday morning. This morning he was discharged from ICU and walked...on his own two feet...without any his new hospital room where he will stay for approximately 4-5 days. He is recovering quickly and well. I am so proud of him!
Way to go Dad!

And in honor of rockstars, I have changed the tunes on my blog. I ocassionally like to rock out a bit, and when I am feeling that way I like to listen to Creed. Well, they just released a new song...and I am in love! And more recently I have heard some new Muse songs on the radio too, so I added a few of my favorites for your listening pleasure as well. But, my heart will always belong to the Backstreet Boys and I was so excited to see them perform on Conan O'Brien last night (I had no idea). So I had to include their newest song too. Seriously...I just want to go to the store and buy some new CDs...
Well folks, have a great weekend! I will keep you updated on my father's progress and try to add some other things as well. It's just been a crazy week!!!


Marianne and Matt said...

Iv'e always thought your dad was a rockstar. YAY RICH. I am happy for you guys. And about your music choices...well, I am just glad that friends can still be friends even if they don't quite agree on some things:)

Natalie said...

Dad is pretty studly. He is doing amazing and is quite the fighter. Really, would we have expected anything less? I think your music is great. Much better than country.

Amy Piller said...

Glad he is doing so well! Oh how I remember the BSB days!

Emily said...

I am so glad that he is doing so well! Thanks for the music update, I am always looking for more good songs... save your self the gas and try for music downloads.