Don't be yealous, but...THIS is how I spent the majority of my Memorial Day weekend:
Oh...and like THIS too:

My weekend was pretty great, I can't lie. The roomie was gone so I soaked up every minute of freedom in my house that I had. It was joyful!
When I wasn't home, though, I was out having fun with the girls. On Friday we had a little party which was followed by a late night shopping trip to Kohls. Hello cute swimsuits! And what better way to break in a new swimsuit that with a nice, relaxing {and/or freezing cold} swim? On Saturday we did just that. Ordered pizza, swam to our little heart's desires and then finished off the day with a dip in the jacuzzi. It was lovely. Except for the moment when I decided to be nice and play ball with the dogs. I was holding the ball in the water while the 2 dogs were outside the pool patiently waiting for me to throw the ball {I may or may not have been taunting them}. I turn my back and then hear this loud splash, followed by a shockingly painful feeling in my finger. The freaking dog jumped in the pool to take the ball from my hand, and took a bit of my finger with it. Ok, so it wasn't that bad, but it hurt like crap. Even today, it is a little sore to the touch and a little bothersome to type with. I now have an ugly bruise under my fingernail:

When I wasn't swimming I was sewing my brains out. I decided it was time to focus on my quilt again and thought it would be the perfect weekend to do so. I change my mind every three minutes about how I want the quilt to look, but I finally decided on a brown border in the front and the back, like so:

Word of advice to any of you beginning sewers who think you can teach yourself to sew and create a quilt that will be perfect: DON'T put borders on the back of your quilt. Or atleast don't expect them to line up with the borders on the front of your quilt. I tried my hardest to figure out a way to make them line up, but they didn't. And you know what? I'm ok with it. I actually quilted the quilt this weekend, so all that is left is the binding.

{Yay for me!}
Oh yes, the rest of the weekend was exactly the same as the beginning. Sewing, swimming and pizza. Oh, and I watched three movies on Sunday. Good times...
I am so glad that I was able to spend the first half of the weekend with you! The only thing that would of made this weekend better was watermelon football...
I love your quilt and can't wait to see it all put together!
Jealous of your swimming and nice weather! Utah has been rainy and cold. Not so jealous of your finger though.... ouch! I hope it feels better quick!
BINDING... run for your life Layns, I did binding on a blanket I made for Zaylin, and can I just say what I thought was going to be an easy task turned into a hell that I will not be visiting for awhile. Mind you, I was 9 months pregnant and could barely reach the sewing machine, but man those mitered corners and the pinning ahhhhh. Poor Zach took some words and there are even marks on the floor where I kicked over a stool, but I did get it done, and you take the imperfections with love and get back to good ole life! Your's is coming along though and can't wait to see the finished product! Just know that you will appreciate the final prduct so much more after all the hard effort. Lova ya
What a weekend, I am jealous!!!!! I wish I had a pool! Next time I am in AZ you will have to teach me to sew so I can make a cute quilt too! love ya
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