Tuesday, June 17, 2008

and the winner is...

A few weeks ago I had a poll up on my blog about how long I would last before I cheated on my diet. I believe the options were:

1. She won't last one week
2. She will be stricken by the 14 day curse
3. She will not cheat until she goes to Utah
4. She will be so motivated she won't even cheat in Utah.

The majority of you chose #3 and even one person (dear sweet chocolate covered Mern) chose #4. Then at the very last minute of my poll, one person chose #1. Well guess what brave little last minute entry person? YOU WIN!!

I had every intention of losing weight before making my appearance in Utah this weekend, but my head got the best of me. I have failed!!! I think my heart knew that I would be cheating in Utah, so my brain thought I was crazy to start dieting. And now, I have a few days before I see my friends and family for the first time in 6 months, and I am nowhere near where I thought I would be (weight wise). You all still love me right? So now I am just living it up. A couple more weeks of freedom until the real dieting begins. Oh well...

{can you tell I don't want to work today?}


Amy Piller said...

Of course I still love you! I am with you on the not wanting to work today stuff. I can't wait tell you come. I was hoping to work from home some to spend some time with you but things at the office are looking bad with my crazy, mean boss so I might just have to take half a day off or something:)

tiare said...

girl....whatever! you look awesome! do not be discouraged. we ALL fall off the wagon!!! as for your embarrassing moment....all i can do is laugh....oh geez! i think i had too much to drink this morning....gotta go!!!! YIKES!