Monday, June 9, 2008

One week later...

Sorry I have been slacking in the old blog department. Truthfully I was just hoping that someone I didn't know or know where they were from would leave a comment on my previous blog. But no such luck. Oh well...
So I had a pretty eventful/not so eventful week last week. Can't remember exactly what I did really, so it must not have been that great. But this weekend was pretty fun. I took work off on Friday and packed up with the parentals and headed to the cabin again. I basically spent the weekend being lazy and doing crafty things again, but it's always a fun adventure. Stories of the snake (with pictures) to come soon...

{Happy Monday}


Katy Wilson said...

so your roomate is dating a boy...i almost can't grasp the concept of dating's been so long. that would be so fun to live with you except for ashlie will be working at sky harbor and that would be a little bit of a drive to work...but other than that...heck ya.

Amy Piller said...

Ok, so it is about time you update. lol. I am so tried this morning that I just wrote you a note on my own blog, I think I need a nap. Anyway my family is going to the Lehi Rodeo on the night of June 28th after the shower. Would you want to come? I think we can still get more tickets.

Amy Piller said...

OK, I am going to ask to see if we can get another ticket:)

Marianne and Matt said...

I have been waiting for your update:) That is so fun that you go to your cabin all of the time. WHat crafty projects are you working on?

Amy Piller said...

SO is your roomate dating that boy she wanted to come over when we were there?

Anonymous said...

What!? What snake story!? Alayna... shame shame. I want to hear this story!! - Nikki

jessi said...

so, it is about time you update! as for my blog...
kev designed it. If you have an image or idea of what you want, he'll design one for you ) like pink polka dots, strips, floral things, etc.
I am so excited to see you again! Let me know if you want to be set up while you are here. His name is Jason, he is cute. He just bought a house in our neighborhood, and he is really good friends with one of my neighbors. He has a cute dog, and big ol truck... (sounds like a country song huh? J/K) anyway, have a great day!

tiare said...

your blog kills me! keep posting updates. i'm kind of bored in california right now. visit our blog when you have's not as great as yours!