Sunday, June 15, 2008


So, I was feeling a little guilty that today is Father's Day and I haven't posted anything about my Daddy-O yet. But, when you don't have internet access at home and you have to travel to post blogs, I am sure my Dad will understand. So here's to you dad: 26 reasons why I think you're great:1. You're my dad

2. You love me
3. You fix broken things in my house
4: You hang things on my walls for me (measured & leveled)
5: You made one amazing perpendicular fire pit (see picture in post about Slitherus)
6: You bought a cabin...just for ME!!
7: You help me when I am in a bind
8: You are not afraid to wear tall black socks with shorts and sandals
9: You did my Spanish homework for me in high school (without even knowing it)
10: You will talk to me on the phone (when mom is not home)
11: You are patient
12: You never hear me yelling things at you, but you always hear me whisper
13: You always call on me to say the prayer for family dinner
14: You give me "masculine" advice
15: You are sensitive
16: You are not afraid to show emotion (a good quality to pass on to the daughter)
17: You taught me how to ride a bike
18: You make me feel like your only daughter
19: You are always willing to lend a helping hand
20: You've got some mad building skills
21: You are proud of me (no matter how much I screw up)
22: Your wallet is always open
23: You are dependable
24: You make me want to be a better person
25: You make some delicious steak
26: You are simply amazing

I love you dad. Thanks for being YOU!



Marianne and Matt said...

LOVE the post about your dad. Especially about the socks and sandals one...hilarious!! I really like your dad a lot too. He has always been nice to me. He is just a great guy!! YOU ROCK RICH!!

Amy Piller said...

You are so cute! I wish I was more up on the blog. I like your dad too it was fun to see your parents when we were in AZ!