Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When it rains it pours

That statement means a lot these last few days. Mostly because we have been having some wicked weather and insane rainstorms here in AZ. But more importantly, that statement directly correlates with my life at this moment. I have tried really hard to keep this to myself (because I know co-workers and other friends read this) but I just have to get it out today. I am a wreck! As you know from a previous post, my roomie decided to move out. It was a big kick in the gut not just because it was unexpected, but because she and my other friend had planned this little thing behind my back. To put it plainly, I felt a bit betrayed. I have worked out a lot of those issues and feelings of resentment within myself and now am over it. Besides, I have some AMAZING new friends in the branch that really pulled together and found me a new roomie within a matter of days. LOVE THOSE GIRLS!!! I was completely looking forward to the new experiences a new roomie brings, and besides her rent was going to include utilities so that would help me financially. Then I got the news last Friday that "due to the economic situation" we would be asked to cut back on our hours at work. One girl got laid off (and I got the privilege of taking over her job) and I now have every Friday off (meaning one less day to get it all done). Sounds like a party right? NOT QUITE!! I could barely make ends meet with a roommate and a full time job. Now I have less hours and the few extra dollars the new roomie would be paying don't quite make up the money lost. So needless to say, that has been stressing me out a bit. But wait...it gets worse! This morning I arrived at work only to open my email and find a note from the girl who is supposed to be moving in on Monday. She has decided that she cannot move in and I am on my own to find a new roomie...AGAIN!!! At that moment the dam broke. I burst into tears and have been an emotional wreck ever since. And to top it all off, I just recently bought some new mascara and it is not waterproof! I LOOK LIKE A FREAK WITH BLACK STREAKS ALL OVER MY FACE AND NO MASCARA LEFT ON MY EYELASHES! Wow! What am I going to do? Trust that everything will work out and somehow my bills will all be paid minus 8 hours a week and no roommate compensation...because I faithfully pay my tithing? Trust that the Lord will see fit to bless me abundantly even though I am not deserving of any blessings? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said...when it rains it pours...


jessi said...

Oh Alayna- I am sorry! I will be praying for you!!!

Mrs. JM said...

You'll get through ... you will! Keep your head up. I would tell you how gnarly our situation is if it would make you feel better about yours but it might actually make you even more sad!

Miss Amanda said...

Alayna, I feel your pain! USU just announced a week ago that they are requiring a mandatory furlough without pay during the week of spring break. So, to sum it up we are all getting a cut in pay too.

If there is one thing I can tell you is that you are so blessed! You are amazing and I know that someone is watching over you and will make sure you are fine. It is hard to know that so many people are being layed off that have a mortgage to pay and families to feed. Just hang in there and have faith. You still have a job, you are being looked after.

Just remember that things will work out they always do, if you keep trying and praying things will work out. Don't dwell on the negative, accentuate the positive and you will be around for awhile.

I want to send you something in the mail. Will you email me or call me with your address???

I love you girl! You are amazing and I know you are being watched over.

Amy Piller said...

Oh Alayna I love you! I know it will all work out but I also know that hearing that doesn't really help! Let me know if I can do anything that will help! We are always here for you!

Brock and Lisa McKeown said...

I will totally agree with you... Those girls are not nice and it's sad that someone who you thought was a friend isn't. Hopefully you can find a roommate soon and remember thing always have a way of working out! Keep your head up.

Katy Wilson said...

I too know how the cutback goes...I have to take Mondays off work...the other lady in the office takes Fridays off. I am only lucky in the fact that I have a second job and hopefully will be scheduled for more hours on Monday.
I am so sorry about the roomate situation! I wish you lived closer so we can hang out easier. I am going to keep my ears open for someone looking for a roomate...
Good luck with it all...and if you need to scream and rant at someone...I'll volunteer my crazy roomate Alice...she'll do just the trick!

Kevin said...

I'm sorry about the torrential downpour you're under at the moment. I don't know that I can say anything other that what's already been said so far, other than I know how it feels to be under all that type of pressure. It's no bueno. And it is hard to trust that because you've been faithful in other ways that things'll pay off. But they will. Eventually. But that's usually in the Lord's timetable and not our own. But it does happen, because he is honor bound to bless you.

And, if nothing else, maybe this'll brighten your day a little bit - http://www.facebook.com/video/?upload=#/video/video.php?v=62294716213

tiare said...

that SUCKS! all of it. it sounds like a friend of mine. she says that everything comes to her in three's....rain, roommates, work. crazy. the upside is that the good things come in three's too.
i know how tough you are. you'll definitely get through this.
love ya.
praying for ya.