Sunday, March 7, 2010

the truth is... (part II)

*I have no idea how to say the word "idea," and I had no idea I was saying it wrong until a couple of months ago. Apparently I wasn't accentuating the 'e' and 'a' enough and it came out more like "I did" without the 'd' on the end. So now, I am trying to say the word "idea" like I would the word "IKEA." You never quite realize how many times a day a word gets used until you have to stop and think before you say that word. The word "idea" is very common in my vocabulary. And it's all my mom's fault. She says it just like I do (or used to)...

*Lately I have been noticing a ton of hot air balloons in the sky. It seems that a couple of days a week traffic is a little worse than others because people have to slow down to see the hot air balloons. There is a little hot air balloon docking station (if you will) next to the freeway on my way to work, and every day that a hot air balloon is getting ready to take flight, freeway traffic comes to a standstill. Sometimes I find it annoying, but deep down inside, I really want to take a ride in a hot air balloon. Yep, I stop to look too...

*I keep having crack smokin' dreams about going on a cruise. They are totally bizarre and I don't really know what to make of them, other than to think that it's a sign that I need to go on the Backstreet Boys cruise this fall.

*I kid, I kid.


Kevin said...

Backstreet Boys cruise? Is that like a fundraiser for them?

Lindsey and Zach said...

Oh crack me up.

Emily Stradling said...

Idea has now lost complete meaning as I praticed saying it over and over, you are hilarious!