Thursday, November 13, 2008


scary music right? just gets better...i promise! i post this eerily beautiful song for a couple of reasons:

first of all it is a tribute to my dear friend nikki who introduced me to this song that i just can't get enough of. seriously, i listen to this song {full blast} in my car to and from work everyday. it is amazing!!!

second, my favorite book series/soon-to-be movie {Twilight} is coming out next weekend. the author of the book said she was inspired by the music of muse when writing this series. i can't help but think in my little alayna brain that perhaps this was one of the inspirational songs. it completely reminds me of all things Twilight.

and finally, this is my b.o. for president theme song. the words completely describe how i feel about him being our next president:

declare this an emergency
come on and spread a sense of urgency
and pull us through
and pull us through

and this is the end
this is the end
of the world

and it's time we saw a miracle
come on it's time for something biblical
to pull us through
and pull us through

and this is the end
this is the end
of the world

proclaim eternal victory
come on and change the course of history
and pull us through
and pull us through

and this is the end
this is the end
of the world

i feel this song really represents his time as soon-to-be president because when he was first elected i felt like the world was going down! ok, not really, but i have been a bit worried. i don't so much trust the man and his background is a little iffy. i was reminded of the part in the scriptures that says we will ultimately be brought down by our leaders, and honestly, he could be the one! or, as the last verse of the song says, he could really be the change we need. i am not sure...we will just have to wait and see...and hope for a miracle!!

anyway, i hope you enjoy this song as much as i do...especially the piano coupled with the drums at the end!



Sarah Harward said...

We've been Muse fans for quite a while now. I remember after I read the Twilight books I thought it was cool that she like Muse too!

tiare said...

i heard this was part of her inspiration, but i've never heard the music....i've been interested but have been lazy.
now i'll just come to your blog!

Bandanamom said...

If we can survive 8 years of George Bush, we can survive almost anything. I think he's going to be a wonderful president. I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but honestly, I think he's going to be great.