Thursday, November 20, 2008

uncontained excitement

Admit it. You are jealous.

You wish you could go with me tomorrow to see these guys:

{makes my heart sing}


Amy Piller said...

That would be fun, Wish I could just do anything with you. Why do you live so far away?

Kevin said...

Weren't there 5 Backstreet Boys? Or was that just 'N Sync? Or New Kids?

To answer yer questions, I don't have "scars" per se. After I was burned, Chuck & another guy in the ward gave me a blessing saying that I wouldn't have any scars. But, my skin texture on that hand is slightly different than the other one, and there's some spots that are lighter than others, especially when I get sunburned or tanned you can see stuff. But just on my hand, not my face.

As far as the woman of my dreams, she'll remain safely anonymous...

Emily said...

hello, remember backstreet boys! maybe you'll get lucky enough to kiss one, I hear they're pretty good!