Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 = Selfishness

Once again, a new year is creeping upon us. Time to make some new years resolutions right? I have been pondering about the year 2009 for quite some time and this is what I have come up with: I am going to be selfish! Yes, 2009 is all about ME! And I can't wait! Here are a few of my new years resolutions:

1. Weight Loss: I have to start dieting again! No more excuses! I am so mad at myself right now because I have gained obscene amounts of weight in the last 3 months. Here I am, going to Utah to see friends I haven't seen for 6 months-2 years & I am heavier than I was the last time I visited. I only have 2 pairs of pants that fit right now. The sad thing is that a few months ago I had gotten down to a pretty decent number that I hadn't seen since I was probably 4 years old. Oh well! I hope my friends will still love me with my tight pants and protruding gut.

2. Excercising My Butt Off (literally): I have a gym membership and it's high time I started using it. I hope to wake up at the crack o' dawn and workout, followed by more sweating after work. Hard work it will be...but surely worth it in the end.

3. Spiritual Upliftment: It is no big surprise that I have made many a mistake in my life. My spirituality has taken a nose dive as of late and it needs to be lifted up again. I plan to increase my spirituality by reading the scriptures more, by doing a wee bit o' repenting and by spending more time on my knees.

4. Gratitude: One simple sentence everyday should do it. I have SO much to be thankful for...if I will only open my eyes to see it.

Oh how I love new years resolutions. It's all about finding myself and getting back to the Alayna I once was {just a skinny version}. I think a conversation I overhead from my dad really sums it up. He was talking to an old friend and telling him what his kids were all up to. When he got to me he said, "Alayna has a house here in Mesa. She's not married yet. Of course, she would LIKE to be..." At first listen I thought to myself, "Oh men...they have no tact" and I was all sorts of embarrassed. But really, that IS what it all comes down to. Who doesn't want to get married? Who doesn't long for that companionship?? My selfishness in 2009 is just getting me a few steps closer to that blessed day. How can one expect to be happy with someone else if they are not first happy with themselves? That is why 2009 is going to be all about ME!!!

{Happy New Year}


Amy Piller said...

I love you girl! Can't wait to see you in a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Alayna...Those are some great Resolutions...I think that we should do some of them together... well dieting and working out we already discussed. The spiritual part I need to work on..what do you think about studying the scriptures together? Just a thought...HAPPY NEW YEAR.

-your roomie

Marianne and Matt said...

Oh Alayna I sure love you. It was so great to see you last night...and to me you looked GREAT! I think your resolutions are wonderful and I have ALL faith in you that you will keep them! Cant wait to see you again!

jessi said...

I am so excited to see you! I bet you look fabulous! It doesn't matter what size you are, you are a BEAUTIFUL girl. DOn't worry though, I have packed on a few lbs again too! I think I was skinnier last time I saw you and I had just had Carter! Oh well, it gives us something to work toward.
I agree with Mern, your resolutions are great! I have too have faith that you can do it! Just remember, we all LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

I love your resolutions. I think I need a few of my own!!