Monday, December 1, 2008

it's christmas time!

{last year's loot}

i LOVE this christmasy time of year! it is by far my fave! love the music, love the lights, love buying presents for others, but mostly love decorating!!! of course, my house looks pretty dull in comparison to my parents' house (above). i have little space to decorate and my tree is a poor excuse for a tree. but hey, i am single and poor, so we take what we can get right? the minute I got home from the cabin (p.s. thanksgiving pics and descriptions were supposed to be posted, but i can't get the pics off the camera today...maybe another day...or maybe not), even before parking the car in the garage, i had to get out the christmas decorations. i was beyond over the pumpkins and thanksgiving was on to bigger and better things. and boy was it fun! each year my collection grows and each year i wonder where i am going to put all my new things... i'll say it again: i LOVE this christmasy time of year!
soon to come...a tour of my house at christmas time.
{oh what fun!}


Marianne and Matt said...

Can't wait for the Christmas tour...I got in a festive mood today as well:) By the way, I did NOT stage the pic of the babies standing on the flour containers, that was ALL their genius idea. What can I say my babies are just overly creative!! Oh also, I sure hope you can come visit, I have been so excited!

Amy Piller said...

We put our tree up to and it is also a poor excuse for a tree. I am trying to come up with something to make it better. Also I really will update today I promise things have been crazy at work but I promise I will.

Lindsey and Zach said...

Yeah I had fun decorating too..I love Christmas lights and the tree and the food and the love and the family and the friends and the cosiness of the warm housee while it's cold outside.....but I HATE THE SHOPPING!!!!!!!! Love ya Layns

Emily said...

looks like a party. I can't keep kate from feeding my decorations to my dogs... argh.. well they are having fun and I love decorating!