Thursday, December 18, 2008

a strange day...

I have this overwhelming feeling that I cannot post a blog in the month of December unless it is related to Christmas. Today, I am overcoming that. Since I am a tad on the bored side, I thought I would fill you in on the strangeness that is today.

It all started when I decided to revert to my elementary school ways. You see, there is this boy, and I kind of like this boy. Ok, I really don't, but I try really hard to convince him that I like him. Being bored and giddy, I wrote him a little love note and had a pal deliver it to him for me. It's just one of those things...what can I say?

And then, after the whole love note deliverance, I had another pal {a girl} ask me to lay on the couch with her (eek!). I let her know that I wasn't all about spooning with females and didn't think the boss would approve of us relaxing so casually during work. Just so you know, she is married and would never want to spoon with me. Maybe she was just asking me if I had a spoon and I misinterpreted??

Anyway, that is my post for this lovely, partly sunny, mostly cloudy day. Peace out from your silly blogging pal in AZ.


The Awesome Allens said...

Hahaha, oooh alayna! I talked to the girl and she WAS wanting to spoon. That was no misinterpretation... ;)

Amy Piller said...

I miss you girl, can't wait for you to be here. Where are you staying? With me?

Marianne and Matt said...

I'm so excited to see you...sooo soon!! I got your card today, and have to say I LOVE the calendar idea...your my most creative friend with the greatest of ideas. LOVE YA marianne