Thursday, May 1, 2008

i'm in love...

yes, it's true. but it's not the kind of love you are thinking. i am in love with arizona. why, you ask? let me fill you in:

six out of twelve months here are like heaven. that means:

*sunshine on my shoulder

*blue skies

*flip flops...all year round

*palm trees
*beautiful flowers

*the sound of sweet birds singing


*hangin' in the jacuzzi

*being white (for fear of scorched skin...and cancer)

(please ignore my huge arms, whiteness, and back fat hanging out)
these are just a {few} of my favorite things...
...and then the other six months pretty much suck.
{here's to you, Arizona}
P.S. I gotta give a quick shout out to my girl Lindsey: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I really hope you have a great day. I miss you so much! Man, we are getting old...


Anonymous said...

Alayna! I love your blog! Except i hate Arizona... I want to move away and live somewhere with 4 seasons, not 8 months of summer. Muah! - nikki

Marianne and Matt said...

Your posts are the greatest. Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately, I have two sick kids. I do however LOVE checking your blog. Arizona sounds kinda like Florida, its wonderful most of the year but the summer months STINK!! It gets way too hot. Keep the blogs comming!!

Amy Piller said...

After the winter we had I am all for moving to AZ! I tell you I just want to be warm and have the sun shine:) love ya!

The Stimpsons said...

Hey Alayna! I would be inlove with Arizona too if I lived there!

In the meanwhile I'll just have to settle with some sunshine here in Idaho!

If you ever are in love with some potatoes, please let me know! ;)