Friday, August 22, 2008

A Fantastic Story!

My story is really not fantastic. In fact, it is borderline pure stupid. However, I had to talk it up to get you excited to read my blog! So here goes:

I have never claimed to be much of a cook. If I don't follow a recipe, things don't usually work out for me. And even sometimes when I use a recipe things don't work out for me. I do own a barbeque, but never use it cause I don't know how. I am a big fan of the George Forman grill cause it does all the work for me and even tells me when my food is ready. I do really well heating things up in the microwave, but using the stove is a rarity. So Tuesday night I was on the brink of starvation. I had my dr appt after work and usually try not to eat much during the day when I am going to the dr (want to lose as much weight as I can...). I knew I had nothing ready to eat when I got home, so I opened the freezer and saw some hamburger patties. I thought to myself, "Self? Doesn't a hamburger sound pretty good right now?" To which I replied, "Yes, that certainly does. Maybe I will try to pan fry a hamburger like my mom always does since I don't know how to use my barbeque." And thus the drama begins...

On this particular day I was intent on finishing a book I like to call "Breaking Dawn." I was a bit enthralled in the book ending and kind of forgot that I was cooking. I thought it smelled a little smoky, but didn't really think anything of it...until I decided I should check my hamburger. Yeah, it was a little bit well done on the edges, but still not completely cooked. It wasn't until I walked into the family room that I realized just how much smoke was filling my house! I hurried and opened the windows, letting some torturous heat in and the smoke out. The fact that my fire alarm did not go off is a miracle in and of itself. Here is a pic of my smoke filled kitchen:

You can't really see it well, but there was a wall of smoke throughout. And this is a pic of the stove top. I was trying to get the smoke rising from the pan, but instead it just looks like a picture of a small animal sacrifice inside a cute pink frying pan:
After the smoke cleared, I made my hamburgers:

Looks good right? Well, it really wasn't. This is my face while I ate:

Mmmmm....delicious! Since it was so good, I fed the rest of it to my garbage can:
I have this saying in my kitchen just so visitors don't get scared (in case you can't read it, it says: Countless number of people have eaten in this kitchen and gone on to lead normal lives):
Until that day, I have never had such a disastrous meal. And I would like to think that sign is true... Although my friend Amy did eat in my kitchen once, and now she has some stomach problems...



Kevin said...

Haha, that story IS rather fantastic. But I must inquire as to why your garbage can ate more of than you did. Cuz of the charbroiled edges?

P.s. - Whilst sitting here in my room, lit by the dim light from my monitor, listening to the lone sound of our air conditioner, and reading your fantastic small burnt offering/animal sacrifice story, I suddenly became FREAKED RIGHT OUT by the screams of "Disturbia" by Rihanna. ;) I think 5 years of my life just got shaved off...

Marianne and Matt said...

Love it!! Everybody needs to smoke themselves out of there house from cooking! We do it all the time!! Love the pink frying could something not taste good when it is made in a pink frying pan?

Amy Piller said...

Love it, our burners are all messed up so we get smoked out all the time and our alarm actually goes off. Now I know when I cook to open all the windows before I start. hey if my stomach problem is from eating in your kitchen then you are going down because you have no idea how much I am craving everything I am not allowed to eat, lol. Love ya girl!

jessi said...

MMMMMMM.... chared hambergers sounds great... did we take cooking class together? (I suck at cooking)

Where did you get that cute frying pan???