Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just my luck

Do you ever feel like the odds are stacked against you? Well, that is how I feel today or actually for the last 16 or so hours. It all started last night when I decided to hard boil some eggs. This is a fairly simple task right? Apparently, if you are me, it is not. For some reason, every time I try to hard boil eggs atleast 2 of them crack open when placed into the boiling water. Yesterday was no different. I used my Paradise Bakery tongs to gently place the first two eggs in the water, and maybe I used a little too much pressure or maybe I just flat out dropped them into the water, but they exploded in an instant. So here I am, trying to get the explosions out of the water, and at the same time the water level is rising and starting to spill over the edge of the pot. What a disaster! The pot was removed from the stove, the stove was turned off and I had to rethink my hard boiling course of action. I decided that maybe I should put the eggs in the water while it was calm, and then add the heat to make it boil, at which point my 15 minute countdown would begin. And it worked much better. But this was not before I placed the pot back on the burner and the watery mess that was there before started sizzling. Is it is possible to burn water? If so, I’ve done it!

The sad thing is last night I had a dream (aka nightmare) about hard boiling eggs. I dreamed that I boiled my eggs for 15 minutes, and then when I went to crack them open, they were all jello-ish and not completely hardened. I had to throw them all away. Aaaahhh!!!

Not only are eggs my nemesis, but also this morning my scale was my nemesis. I freaking gained 1 lb today and that really irks me! I have been so good on my diet, not cheating once in the 52 days that I have been doing it. And the scale was just not in my favor today. Argh!

And finally, the disaster continues. I decided to curl my hair for the first time in many days today and my big fat neck got in the way. Yep, I burned myself. Now it looks like I have a big hickey on my neck (if only I could be so lucky). How embarrassing is that? Like I said, the odds are stacked against me today.



tiare said...

sorry about the eggs! that kicks in the teeth. as for your diet -- YOU ARE THE GOODS! our weight fluctuates remember. you're doing awesome!!!

Amy Piller said...

An idea for when you boil eggs is to take a pin and pock the egg on the fat end. THere is a pocket of air there and by releasing the air you are taking at least some of the risk of it exploding away. Love you girl!

Marianne and Matt said...

Oh dear Alayna, I had to learn the hard way about eggs. Now I always just put them in before the water is boiling....never a crack anymore!! Also I thought your weight was supposed to fluctuate between a couple of pounds all the time!! Your a funny kid!

Anonymous said...

umm...the easiest way to boil eggs is to put the eggs in the pan first, then add just enough water to cover the eggs, the bring the water to a boil. When it boils, turn down the heat so the water is still boiling, but not boiling over, then time them for 12 minutes. Perfect eggs every time!

Lindsey and Zach said...

Yes Alayna life is just one giant hard boiled egg isn't cracks and blows up and sometimes it tates good on a sandwich but in the end it is just an egg and we can go buy a new carton at the store for hopfully a few bucks right? Love ya and hope next time it works out for ya...