Thursday, September 18, 2008


Believe it or not, I can't quite seem to get myself motivated to start my diet again. I went off the diet 2 weeks ago, with the intention of being a very good girl and not losing control, and then starting the diet again right after Creative Escape. Well, that didn't work so much...

{i Y food}


tiare said...

that is my bane in life! if only i did not love food so much -- bad food especially!!!!!
i've come to my senses now that the biggest loser is on again.

Amy Piller said...

Im with Tia I love the biggest loser. But i also love food with is really bad for me. I am not supose to eat wheat for other health reasons and I can't seem to do it, it is killing me

Marianne and Matt said...

I love to watch biggest looser while I eat a big ol' plate of cheesy nachos!! Alayna, I absolutely love all of your posts. The thing that is great about you is your so honest and you just write whatever you want. I love all of your crafts. I love "rod works" too. I've been making my own little creations as well. I'll post some. Love ya!!

Kevin said...

Don't give in!!

But, if you didn't start up again, I'd still commend you for how well you've done already. I mean, kudos to be sure. It's not a common thing to be so successful at a diet. Trust me, I know. I been trying to kick these extra 30 lbs for a loooong time now. And that's like a 3rd of what you've accomplished. So, don't forget the road you have already walked down, yeah?

But, it is good to take a break every now and then and enjoy the "good life".

jessi said...

I agree with Kevin, Don't forget where you've come from, you've worked so hard!!

it is good to take a break every now and then and enjoy the "good life"

But don't forget what you really want for what you want at the moment

I have an extra 25 lbs to loose, so let's keep going together!!