Thursday, October 23, 2008

all for a good cause

first of all, my talk went really well on sunday...thanks for asking.

secondly, i did have a great weekend. saturday was a super busy day filled with lots of walking {which is a good thing}. i started the morning at the butt crack of dawn and headed to the phoenix zoo {majorly exciting zoo...she says with a sarcastic tone} for the zoo walk benefiting autism research. my daddy's work sponsored our little group {luke's crew} so we all got these stylish matching shirts to sport while walking. good times indeed. to reiterate just how early it was that i was awake and walking, not many of the animals were even out and about. yep...early! but there is nothing more fun than spending time with the nephews. it's so fun to see how excited they get when seeing the animals...especially jake. so cute!!

saturday afternoon i took myself a short little nap. nice!

then saturday night the parentals and i met up again at tempe town lake to do the light the night walk, benefiting the leukemia and lymphoma society {in honor of my bro matt}. we got some yummy texas roadhouse bbq {yep, not having much success on the diet} and all sorts of other freebies. the walk itself was a delightful 2 mile trudge that made me a little bit sweaty {especially when walking next to the lake}. but proudly, i made it {which is saying something because i nearly died the first year i did the walk}. it was a huge success and i was glad to be a part of it.

so there you have weekend in a nutshell. enjoy some pictures from the events:

{Apparently my slide show is having some issues if you want to see my pictures, just click here}

and also for a good cause, i have added two gadgets to my blog {over there to the right}. i added adsense and also the followers thing. so, if you love me and like to follow my blog, let the world know that you blog stalk me by clicking on that little link. and if you love me even more, learn about what happens when you view an ad (because i can't tell you to do so). i told you it was all for a good cause...

{peace out friends}


Marianne and Matt said...

Look you all supporting these great causes!! What a great girl you are. You always have been my little sugar plum!! Cute pictures, love the tattoo!

Anonymous said...

Hi Alayna! You were right, it has been way too long since I blogged, but guess what, I finally did! Check it out if you get a chance. Take care...

jessi said...

You are cute! yes yes what happened with Pepe???

Natalie said...

thanks for walking for matt :) maybe they'll get on the ball and start doing it again here....