Monday, October 6, 2008

Some people...

This morning I had to make a trip to my fave gas station in the world, Quick Trip, because my gas tank was near empty and I had to drive to know the routine... I decided to go into the convenience store area to buy some banana milk (thanks bro for introducing me to this goodness) and a muffin for breakfast while I waited for my gas tank to be replenished. On the way out to my car I see this woman wandering through the gas filling area and I knew she was going to be trouble. She was one of those ladies that looked like she was going to ask me for money or try to hand out some church pamphlet. I tried to avoid eye contact, but she caught a glimpse of me and I could feel her approaching. Here I am, my hands are full with banana milk, a muffin, my wallet, my purse and my keys, while at the same time I am taking the gas thing out of my car and trying to get situated. She comes right up to me and says, "Would you like a free magazine?" I didn't respond, didn't look at her, 'cause frankly my hands were full and I was busy. But she just held the magazine in my face until I had a spare moment to grab it. I felt like throwing it right into the trash can the minute she gave it to me to prove a point, but I didn't. I just continued to do my business and then got in my car where the magazine was thrown on the floor of the passenger seat. I kind of glanced at the cover and it had some title about living with Diabetes. It almost looked like this poor woman had several kinds of magazines to give away, but specifically chose this one for me, so I began to wonder why I warranted receiving this particular issue? Do I look like a future candidate for diabetics? Sure, I'm not the skinniest girl in the world, but do I really look that bad? And then I started thinking that it was probably one of those magazines that appears to be harmless on the outside but contains anti-Mormon literature or some sort of other religious stuff on the inside. So when I got to work I decided, just for fun, to take a gander. The first thing I noticed was the date on the magazine: May 8, 2003. Immediately in my mind I thought that was strange that this issue was from May, but it took a minute for my blonde mind to realize it was really 5 years ago in May...

So this begs the question: who is the lady at the gas station and why is she handing out 5 year old magazines? Has she lost her marbles? Is she really 5 years behind the times? Is she just lonely and is really trying to reach out to someone? Does she have that disease where she collects things and cannot throw them away, resulting in piles so high she can barely move in her house, and, with the advice of her therapist has decided it is better to give them away than to throw them away? Just some food for thought...

{Happy Monday}
And just so you know, I think she did it cause she's CRAZY!!! And also, the magazine did contain fun facts of how the Bible could help me cope with diabetes...


jessi said...

THat is the funniest thing I have heard in a while! You always get the fun adventures happen to you! Love ya Jess