Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I have a new obsession. Ok, so it is not necessarily something that is new...I have been doing it for as long as I can remember. But just in the last 24 hours, I have done this thing about 5 times. What is this thing you ask? I am a list making freak! I love lists. I love being able to check off things when I complete them. Is anyone else out there like me?

Just for fun, this is what my list looks like today:

*enrichment reminder calls
-cashiers check
-Home Depot (blocks x2)
*dinner: make fajitas
-set up tables
-white paper + markers
-sign w/instructions (tape)
Thursday: Pepe + TV
Friday: VT + vinyl (ribbon shopping) + sign up sheet
*oil & lube
*reminder to Daja (handout)
*something fun

Interesting reading right? If you must know, there is actually a book out there called "To-Do Lists" or something similar to that, and it explains what you can learn about people by looking at the lists they make. I wonder what my list says about me?

Even if you don't want my insight, I am going to give it to you. My list says that I am a girl who tends to be a little forgetful unless something is written down. I have a calling as the enrichment leader in my branch and I have my first enrichment activity today. I stress about forgetting something and want things to be perfect. I have issues with delegating and feel like it will only be done right if I do it myself. Is this what you gathered from reading my list?

{say it with me: OCD}


Julie said...

Oh join the club Alayna, I love lists and little notebooks to decorate, and you know you're in deep when your lists have sub-lists.

Sarah Harward said...

I, too, have an obsession with lists! I will often add things to the list, after I've already completed them, that way when I look at my list I feel like I've been more productive. I even do that with grocery lists. If I pick up eggs, and they weren't on my list, I'll add the eggs to my list, then cross it off, so I feel like I'm more organized than I really am. It's pathetic...

Anonymous said...

ummm i make them too :-)

Amy Piller said...

Yes I am with Sarah, I add to my lists after I did them to show everything i do in a day.

Marianne and Matt said...

I don't make lists....what does that say about me? Also, I am confused, I thought Pepe was gone. Obviously I am way out of it. Can you please fill me in on your life?

The Stimpsons said...

Hey Alayna! Your blog is so fun to read! Your pic looks great and with brown hair! cool! I believe a certain animal that we both love has the same color hair! ;) imagine that!

By the way, good Spanish! Pepito has been teaching la idioma celestial.

Hasta pronto!